
The Australia-Japan Match Box Project


Facetnate - The Australia Japan Match Box Project

Installation View, Japan Foundation Gallery

Sydney-Tokyo Geidai Exchange


Tokyo-Geidai Exchange - Biennale & Gallery Tour

Charles Merewether, Tony Bond & Russel Storer Talks; Ruark Lewis Performance

Sydney-Tokyo Geidai Exchange - Studio Visits

At Janet Laurence, Martin Sharp & Jennie Tate's Studios; Anna Kristensen at COFA

Art in the Park

Nagoya Garden, Hyde Park

People to People, Place to Place: Sydney Tokyo Nagoya

Mary-Anne Kyriakou at Exhibtion Artist Talk at Gosford Regional Gallery

Journey to Japan Event, Gosford Regional Gallery

Koto, Tea Ceremony, Bonsai and Origami experiences

Influence Japan Exhibit, Gosford Edogawa Commemorative Garden

Works by Jennie Tate, Zoe MacDonell and Janet Laurence

Friendship - Childrens Art Exchange Project

Furudono Kindergarten, Japan

Friendship - Childrens Art Exchange Project

Sydney Tokyo Cowra Furudono Gosford


The Australia-Japan Match Box Project is a series of touring portable art exhibitions and exchanges between Australian and Japanese artists, designers, curators and the general public. This evolving project aims to foster friendships and networks between Australia and Japan and introduce Australian and Japanese art and culture to audiences in both countries.

Under the umbrella of this project we have created numerous exhibitions and conducted various art exchange activities between our peers and with the public, including, artists and curators talks, studio visits, education programs, community art projects and art tours. Venues to date have included galleries, museums, universities, community centres, artist-run and alternate art spaces in Sydney, Melbourne, Gosford, Cowra, Tokyo, Furudono and Nagoya.

For further insights to this project see the below links: (these can also been found in the grey column to the left) b





