

Thanks - 謝辞




We would like to thank all participating artists, designers, curators and supporters of our projects.

Thanks to the following for their support towards People to People, Place to Place - The Australia Japan Match Box Project during 2007-8


VACS NSW     Arts NSW   

Adobe     Australia-Japan Foundation     Australia Japan Society of NSW     Bentine  CanonCollege of Fine Arts, University of NSW         Gari

Gosford Regional Gallery   Japan Foundation     Macquarie University   National Association of Visual ArtistsSawai International Koto School Sydney     Graphic Art Mount


In 2007-08 Match Box Projects' People to People, Place to Place was supported by the Visual Arts & Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments, and was assisted by the NSW Government through Arts NSW and a Marketing Grant administered by the National Association of Visual Artists (NAVA). The project was supported by the Australia Japan Society of NSW.

We would like to thank the following organisations for their support :

Australia Japan Foundation
Australia Japan Society of NSW
Australia Nippon Connections
BankART 1929
Bentine Gems
Bronte Bakery
College of Fine Arts, UNSW
Cowra Japan Society
Cowra Japanese Garden
Cumulus Wines
Federation of Australia Japan Societies Incorporated
Gari Sushi Bar
Gosford Regional Gallery
Graphic Art Mount
Japan Foundation, Sydney
Kudos Gallery
Macquarie University - Japanese Language Centre
Neila Restaurant
Nichigo Press
Office of the Mayor, City of Nagoya
Royal Australian Institute of Architects
Tokyo Wonder Site

Special thanks to the following individuals:

Katrina Clark
David Edelman
Cliff Dykes
Tony Egan
Paul Gering
Marc Harrison
Tadasu Harada, Nichigo Press
Din Heagney
Junko Hiramatsu
Don Kibbler AM
Vicki Limov
Leigh McClintock, Australia Japan Society of NSW Inc
Michael McIntyre
Paul McDonald
Roger McDonald, AIT, Arts Initiative Tokyo
Kit Messham-Muir
Nogiwa Family
Jesse O’Neill
Shoko Ono
Ian Stewart
Todd Tai









